kanzan galleryでは、若手アーティストの育成と活動支援を目的に、新たに二つの革新的なプロジェクトを始動しました。「TRAVEL」プロジェクトは、アーティストが海外のレジデンスに参加するための渡航費をサポートし、異文化交流と国際的な視野の拡大を促進します。一方、「Cabinet」プロジェクトでは、アーティストの作品を販売する機会を提供し、プリントの魅力がより多くの人々に届くようサポートします。これらのプロジェクトを通じて、国際的にも活躍の場を広げていくことを目指しています。
kanzan gallery is excited to announce the launch of two innovative projects aimed at nurturing and supporting young artists. The "TRAVEL" project provides financial assistance for Japan-based artists to participate in international residencies, promoting cross-cultural exchange and expanding their global perspectives. Meanwhile, the "Cabinet project" offers opportunities for artists to sell their works, helping to bring the allure of prints to a wider audience. Through these projects, we aim to expand the opportunities for artists to thrive on the international stage.
kanzan gallery is excited to announce the launch of two innovative projects aimed at nurturing and supporting young artists. The "TRAVEL" project provides financial assistance for Japan-based artists to participate in international residencies, promoting cross-cultural exchange and expanding their global perspectives. Meanwhile, the "Cabinet project" offers opportunities for artists to sell their works, helping to bring the allure of prints to a wider audience. Through these projects, we aim to expand the opportunities for artists to thrive on the international stage.